OhioHealth: Associate Communications

How might we...
better understand the communication habits, technology, and behaviors of our associate and leader populations in order to design a more effective communication strategy?
41 In-person Ethnographic Associate Interviews
5,900+ Associates surveyed
24 Ideas prototyped and tested


OhioHealth leadership recognized that their 30,000 associates encountered communication pain points on a daily basis. These challenges hindered associate engagement, productivity, and overall satisfaction. To address this, they partnered with Cast & Hue to conduct thorough research into their associates' communication needs and preferences, aiming to identify and address key gaps in the associate experience.


Our first step was to conduct in-depth, in-person interviews and shadowing with OhioHealth associates and leaders to better understand communication behaviors, preferences and challenges—not to mention the workarounds they used. We ensured that we spoke to a cross-section of people based on job roles and location.

Themes and insights were gathered around technology, process and people:

  • Technology themes included fragmented adoption, the role of mobile, and how people search for information
  • Process research highlighted the reliance on people & paper, external sources of information, and the value in social media 
  • People themes included the role of management and how communication affected perceptions of OhioHealth

Based on insights generated from this qualitative study, a survey was then deployed to extend those insights and stratify them across the OhioHealth associate population. 

Leveraging a human-centered design approach, we translated research insights into action, facilitating design thinking workshops with OhioHealth associates that resulted in prototypes for a new communication strategy, which we tested before rolling out.


This user-centric approach resulted in a more streamlined and effective communication experience that has been met with enthusiasm and shows early signs of increased engagement. This included consolidating updates into a digestible weekly email, providing concise summaries for quick comprehension, and empowering associates to personalize their communication preferences through a central hub. 

By integrating human-centered design into their culture, OhioHealth continues to refine and improve their associate communication strategy in response to changing needs and motivations.

Cast & Hue's work is synonymous with buy-in. The insights uncovered were instrumental in transforming our associate communication at OhioHealth. The results of their data-driven approach and co-creation workshops helped us secure a significant investment in our intranet and build a truly employee-centric communication strategy. Working with Cast & Hue was one of my favorite experiences!
Amber DeBarr
Director, Communications
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