
The Hidden "Why" Behind Patient Choices: Are You Missing It?

Uncover the hidden reasons behind patient choices. Learn how digital ethnography and in-depth interviews can reveal blind spots and help you attract and retain
key Takeaways
  • Uncover the “why” behind patient behavior to truly understand their needs
  • Observe patients in their natural digital environment to gain authentic insights.
  • Conduct in-depth interviews to understand the motivations behind patient choices.
  • Prioritize patient understanding to create a loyal and engaged community.
October 11, 2024
Reading Time
4 minutes

The questions you need to answer to gain a competitive edge in today's healthcare landscape are:

  • Why are patients choosing the competing health system?
  • What are the main factors shaping our brand's reputation?
  • Does the latest technology matter more than our staff's bedside manner?
  • What leads to a negative experience so bad that someone is willing to leave a scathing online review?

If we could answer those questions succinctly, every provider could attract and retain patients, and all would be good. But, in today's landscape, healthcare organizations face a constant battle for patients. With consumers visiting an average of 4-5 provider brands per year, loyalty is fleeting and competition is fierce. It's a challenging reality, underscored by stark statistics: 80% of patients report dissatisfaction with their healthcare visits, and an equal number wouldn't return to a provider after an experience where they lost trust.

This all demonstrates that today, healthcare is an industry of choice. Your patients have more options than ever, and they're exercising them. They're visiting multiple providers, exploring non-traditional care, and showing less loyalty to their local health systems. 

To win in this competitive landscape, you need a deeper understanding of patients' needs and motivations.

You Have Blind Spots

While traditional surveys and patient satisfaction scores can offer valuable insights, they often fail to capture the complete picture. They tell you what patients are doing but not why. They overlook crucial aspects of the patient journey, like online research, appointment setting, billing, and many critical moments within the care setting itself. Traditional methods also fail to reveal the underlying motivations, frustrations, and unmet needs that drive healthcare consumer decision-making.

How To Develop a Holistic View of the Patient Experience

Along with our friends at Feedback, we believe that a holistic view of the patient experience will provide organizations with the insights they need to develop impactful marketing and experience strategies. That’s why we have partnered to deliver a comprehensive solution in three phases that go beyond surface-level data:

  1. Identify Your Blind Spots: Every healthcare organization has access to data, but not all data is created equal. Our process begins with identifying what’s most valuable with a thorough audit of your existing patient experience data. This audit helps us pinpoint the areas where a more profound understanding of patient motivations and unmet needs is most critical, ensuring we focus our efforts where they'll have the greatest impact.

  2. See Patients in Their Natural Habitat: Imagine being a fly on the wall, observing people as they navigate the healthcare landscape online. Through digital ethnography, we step into the digital world where healthcare consumers and patients research symptoms, compare providers, and share their experiences. This observational approach allows us to witness their unfiltered behaviors and interactions, providing invaluable insights into their decision-making process. We see what they're drawn to, what frustrates them, and what ultimately influences their choices.

  3. Dig Deeper with In-Depth Interviews: While observation provides valuable behavioral insights, it's equally important to understand the "why" behind those behaviors. To uncover those deeper motivations, we conduct in-depth interviews with patients, employees, and other key stakeholders. One-on-one conversations are powerful because they allow us to explore the nuances of individual experiences and perspectives. As these insights into patient motivations provide the basis for sound strategic choices, you'll have the knowledge to develop more targeted and effective marketing campaigns, improve patient communication, and design experiences that truly resonate with your audience.

The New Era of Healthcare Consumerism

We're in a new era of healthcare consumerism, which presents a powerful opportunity to excel. By providing exceptional experiences and communication that truly resonate with patients, you can attract and retain the loyalty of the community you serve. This is the time to ask yourself: Do you truly understand your patients — their motivations, their needs, and what drives their decisions?

Ready to cultivate stronger relationships with your patients? Cast & Hue and Feedback are here to provide guidance. Let's chat!

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Steve Koch


The Hidden "Why" Behind Patient Choices: Are You Missing It?

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